TUESDAY TUCKS ME IN (Children's Book)
By Luis Carlos Mantalvan and Bret Witter
Photographs by Dan Dion
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Tuesday Tucks Me In Video Trailer
Every morning, Tuesday helps Luis get his shoes on, one at a time. He reminds Luis to take his medicine. He even gets Luis’ cane for him. But here’s the thing about Tuesday: he’s not a person––he’s a service dog!
After Luis came back from war, everything was different and ordinary things scared him. Luckily, he had Tuesday, who stuck by him, helping him every step of the way. Wherever Luis goes, Tuesday is sure to be following right beside… ready to protect his pal. And there is a lot of love to go around because Luis looks after Tuesday, too. He takes Tuesday to the park, wipes his paws, and even brushes his teeth!
As narrated by Tuesday, Tuesday Tucks Me In, is a day in the life of this service dog extraordinaire and tail-wagging ambassador for all things positive and uplifting in the world. The book takes us through a typical day of adventures, starting with Tuesday waking Luis in the morning and greeting him with dog breath in the face, and then ending with Tuesday cuddling up to Luis on their bed, the last moment they spend together before sleep.